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Collar antiladridos para perros B600 - Collar antiladridos recargable e impermeable

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Product Description

Presentamos el collar antiladridos impermeable B600, un collar antiladridos inteligente y confiable diseñado para abordar y reducir de manera suave pero efectiva los ladridos excesivos de su perro. Como dispositivo de entrenamiento sofisticado, este collar ofrece un enfoque personalizado para ayudar a su mascota a aprender a controlar mejor los ladridos y, al mismo tiempo, garantizar su comodidad y seguridad.

Características clave del producto:

Activación por sonido y vibración: El B600 utiliza una combinación de sonido y vibración para detectar con precisión el ladrido de su perro, asegurando que el collar antiladridos se active solo en respuesta a su mascota. Esta precisión evita activaciones falsas y crea una experiencia de entrenamiento más efectiva y enfocada.

Opciones de entrenamiento versátiles: personalice su enfoque con múltiples modos de entrenamiento. Ya sea vibración o estimulación eléctrica suave, puede seleccionar el método que mejor se adapte al temperamento de su perro, garantizando un disuasivo eficaz contra los ladridos innecesarios y fomentando al mismo tiempo un comportamiento positivo.

Visibilidad nocturna con cinta reflectante: la cinta reflectante del collar mejora la visibilidad de su perro en condiciones de poca luz, garantizando su seguridad durante los paseos nocturnos o en ambientes con poca luz.

Cómodas puntas de silicona: Equipado con puntas de silicona suave, el B600 garantiza la comodidad de su perro. Estas puntas son suaves para la piel y el pelaje de su mascota, lo que le permite usar el collar antiladridos cómodamente durante períodos más prolongados.

Diseño resistente al agua y duradero: la robusta construcción impermeable del B600 permite un uso constante en cualquier clima, lo que garantiza que la eficacia del collar no se vea comprometida por la lluvia o las condiciones húmedas.

Equipe a su amigo peludo con el collar antiladridos para perros impermeable B600 y experimente un ambiente más tranquilo. Esta herramienta inteligente de control de ladridos combina seguridad, comodidad y eficacia en su diseño, proporcionando una solución humana y eficiente para gestionar y prevenir los ladridos excesivos. Con los beneficios adicionales de visibilidad nocturna, uso cómodo y durabilidad en todo clima, es un dispositivo integral para las necesidades de entrenamiento de su mascota.

Disfrute de la comodidad del envío gratuito en un plazo de 9 a 12 días y emprenda un viaje hacia un mejor comportamiento de ladrido con su compañero canino.


Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Sebastian Ross
This B600 model is fantastic

This collar is doing the job and preventing our dog from excessive barking.

Grace Foster
Situation is resolved!

My dog has stopped barking as much as she used to. Thanks to this device, the situation is finally resolved.


My 13-year-old dog has been a non-stop barker for as long as I can remember, and it's been a real challenge for me. He barks at everything, from the door opening to the slightest rustle of leaves outside. It's like he's always on high alert, even when there's nothing to bark at!

I've tried so many things to get him to stop - sprays, muzzles - but nothing seemed to work. He just kept on barking, day in and day out. I even tried medication for his OCD, but that didn't make a difference either.

Finally, I decided to give a collar another try, especially for the sake of my poor neighbor who has to deal with his late-night barking sessions. And, to my surprise, it actually worked! I opted for a collar with different options, and I chose to use just the tone and vibrate settings. The first time I put it on him, I noticed a significant improvement. He seemed to respond to the gentle reminders, and his barking became much less frequent.

Now, I couldn't be happier. My dog is finally starting to calm down, and my neighbor can finally get some sleep. It's been a real lifesaver for both of us!

Zachary Reed


Ruby Rich


Abigail Perez
Awesome product!

The Bark Collar B600 is a game changer! Previously, our poodle barked at every sound, but this collar works wonders. Multiple training modes and reflective tape for nighttime visibility are great features. Now our neighbours are happier and we all sleep better. A must-have for dog owners!

I like this product , especially the fact that shipping is free!

Amazing product!! I really appreciate the assistance of customer support team when I was choosing appropriare bark collar for my dog.

It is a game changer! Thanks!

We have a dog who was the noisiest puppy in the neighbourhood until we got this barking collar. The waterproof design is perfect for our adventurous pup, and the rechargeable function is very convenient. And the main advantage of this collar is that it actually works!


Good value for the good price

Scarlett Scott
So far so good.

The collar has proven to be effective for our maltese. The various training modes helped us find the right option for his behaviour, and the silicone pins keep him comfortable. However, we have noticed that it is not as successful during his most determined barking moments.

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