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Why Do Dogs Lick You? Exploring the Reasons Behind This Behavior

April 22, 2024

Why do dogs lick people? You may have thought that dogs simply adore ice cream, thus they lick everything around in search of this treat. But this assertion is hardly accurate.

The intricacies of human-animal interactions often leave us puzzled, especially when it comes to decoding the behaviors of our beloved pets. Imagine returning home from a tiresome day at work, only to be greeted by your furry companion wagging its tail furiously and showering you with licks – an unmistakable display of boundless joy. But what about those moments when your canine friend lavishes you with affection without an apparent reason? What does it mean when dogs lick you? Translating canine licking from the language of canines to human parlance unveils a spectrum of meanings:

  1. Affection: Consider it akin to a canine version of a hug – a heartfelt expression of fondness towards you.
  2. Communication: Licking may serve as a means of communication, indicating a desire to engage in play or seek attention. This is one of the reasons why do puppies lick.
  3. Instinctual Care: Dogs possess a natural inclination towards cleanliness, and licking could be their way of nurturing and tending to their human companion, much like a mother caring for her offspring.
  4. Sensory Exploration: Dogs perceive the world through their sense of smell and taste. Each lick serves as an opportunity for them to familiarize themselves with your unique scent and taste, perhaps reminiscing about the saltiness of your skin.
  5. Respect: In the intricate social hierarchy of dogs, licking is often considered a gesture of respect, signifying acknowledgment of you as the alpha or leader of their pack.

To deepen your understanding of your pet friend, observe the circumstances surrounding the licking episodes – note the tail wagging pattern, ear position, and overall demeanor. These cues can offer valuable insights into your dog's mood and intentions.

Is it safe when your dog licks you? 

Let's talk about it honestly. While your furry friend's affectionate licks may seem harmless, it's essential to consider their oral hygiene. Dogs aren't exactly known for their impeccable cleanliness; they often enjoy munching on less-than-appetizing items, from dirty twigs to the droppings of other canines. 

That's why it's crucial to prioritize your pet's oral health. Keep a close eye on their dietary habits and ensure they have access to clean water and a balanced diet. Additionally, regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings can go a long way in maintaining their oral hygiene.

Does licking always denote positivity? 

While licking predominantly signifies affection or communication, it's not always indicative of blissful sentiments. Dogs may resort to licking as a response to discomfort, sadness, or anxiety. Pay close attention to your furry companion's overall behavior and mood to discern the underlying message behind their licks. If this behavior seems unusual for your dog and raises concerns, consider reaching out to your veterinarian for professional advice. They can provide personalized advice and recommendations to keep your furry friend happy and healthy. 

How to Curb Unwanted Licking Behavior in Your Dog?

Understanding the underlying cause of excessive licking in puppies is the first step towards addressing this behavior. In 9 out of 10 cases, it is a desire for attention. Interestingly, the more attention a dog receives during licking episodes, the more inclined they are to continue this behavior. Therefore, it's essential to take a different approach. When faced with unwanted licking:

  1. Cease interaction: Refrain from touching or making eye contact with your dog.
  2. Redirect attention: Turn your head away or even stand up and walk away if necessary.
  3. Reinforce desired behavior: Once the licking subsides, reward your dog with attention, affection, or treats. This reinforces the idea that refraining from licking leads to positive outcomes.
  4. Proactive measures: Preventing your dog from engaging in licking behavior can be achieved through proactive measures such as:
    • Engaging in physical exercise to expend excess energy.
    • Stimulating games with toys to divert their attention.
    • Teaching new tricks: Incorporating an electronic dog training collar into training sessions can help correct unwanted behavior with minimal intervention.

If you've ever heard someone say 'dog always licks me,' suggest one of these methods to them.

Additionally, if occasional doggy kisses are acceptable to you, consider training your pup to offer affection in a more controlled manner. By teaching them to "give me love" or similar commands, you can enjoy affectionate interactions while discouraging excessive licking.

Every dog owner can relate: 'Dogs constantly licking me can be quite endearing, but sometimes it can become overwhelming.' Why do dogs lick on you? It's doubtful that this is much of an issue; in fact, many people are delighted by it. Help your dog learn when it's time to kiss and when to hold back. But picture this: you come home from a long day at work, exhausted and weary, and just then, a contented wet nose gives you a loving lick – suddenly, you're the happiest person in the world. Cherish those moments! 

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