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Collar antiladridos para perros pequeños, humano, sin golpes, sin puntas dañinas, recargable, para perros pequeños y medianos

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Descripción del Producto

Creado para perros pequeños o medianos: controlar los ladridos excesivos de un perro puede ser un desafío frustrante para los dueños de mascotas. Los collares antiladridos para perros son dispositivos de modificación del comportamiento humano que pueden ayudar a prevenir ladridos molestos y entrenar a los caninos para que no ladren innecesariamente. Para perros de razas pequeñas de menos de 80 libras, existe un collar antiladridos seguro y eficaz especialmente diseñado para su tamaño.

Diseño sin golpes y sin puntas en el cuello: esta innovadora herramienta de entrenamiento para mascotas emite tonos y vibraciones progresivos para disuadir los ladridos, sin utilizar golpes dolorosos. El collar para perros pequeños utiliza sonido y vibración en lugar de estimulación eléctrica para disuadir los ladridos antes de que se vuelvan excesivos. Este sistema de correcciones progresivas proporciona información al perro de que su comportamiento de ladrido debe detenerse y evita cualquier daño, dolor o asociación negativa.

Sin disparadores falsos: equipado con sensores especializados, este collar antiladridos para perros pequeños se activa solo en respuesta a la vibración única de la garganta del perro cuando ladra. No activará en falso los ladridos de los caninos cercanos u otros ruidos ambientales. El ajuste ceñido pero cómodo alrededor del cuello del perro también ayuda a prevenir activaciones involuntarias. El collar no debe quedar demasiado apretado ni flojo en la mascota para un rendimiento óptimo.

Accesorios adicionales: 4 placas frontales de diferentes colores para collares antiladridos que pueden cambiar sus preferencias o el color o género de su perro.

Recargable y resistente a la lluvia: personalizable con placas frontales de colores incluidas, este dispositivo recargable resiste la exposición al agua para que los perros puedan usarlo bajo la lluvia. Cuando no se produce ningún ladrido durante 60 segundos, el collar entra en modo de suspensión para conservar la energía de la batería. Al utilizar tonos y vibraciones en lugar de descargas eléctricas para prevenir y controlar los ladridos de forma segura y humana, esta innovadora herramienta ayuda a modificar las vocalizaciones no deseadas de un perro y, al mismo tiempo, evita cualquier dolor, miedo o trauma durante el proceso de entrenamiento.

Perfecto para perros de razas pequeñas y medianas de hasta 80 libras, este collar de control de ladridos humanitario sirve como una herramienta eficaz de modificación del comportamiento para frenar los ladridos excesivos. El uso de señales progresivas en lugar de castigos ayuda a los propietarios a entrenar suavemente a las mascotas para que no ladren innecesariamente, previniendo ruidos molestos y posibles quejas. Este dispositivo innovador ofrece una solución ética y segura para los dueños de perros frustrados que buscan un mejor control sobre los hábitos vocales de sus perros.


Customer Reviews

Based on 67 reviews
5 stars!

I purchased two of these collars for my two incessantly barking dogs, and they work wonderfully. The interface is user-friendly, making it easy to adjust and understand the settings. I'm impressed by the battery life; the collars only need to be charged every two or three weeks, even with daily use during the day. They serve their purpose effectively, quieting my noisy dogs while remaining sturdy and affordable. Additionally, the company appears to prioritize customer service, which is a big plus in my book. I highly recommend these collars

nancy mcdaniel
Super happy!

I have a westie who over the last few months has become very vocal, barking at anything that moves. The small collar worked quickly. I only had to use it a few times before she got the message. She now growls at the birds and squirrels rather than non stop barking. If she starts to bark I show her the collar and she stops. Highly recommend!

Brooklyn Mitchell
So far so good

I recently acquired the Small Dog Bark Collar for my lively Boston Terrier, and it has truly transformed our home environment. This collar has emerged as a reliable solution for controlling my dog's persistent barking, all while prioritizing his safety and comfort

Aaron Campbell
Thank you!

Setting up and using the collar was a breeze. The user manual offered clear instructions, making it effortless to customize the settings according to my dog's requirements. Thank you for such a user-friendly experience!

Love this concept

A notable aspect of this collar is its humane training method. It employs a blend of sound and vibration to discourage excessive barking without causing any distress or discomfort to my dog. I value its avoidance of painful shocks, which can be unsettling for both pets and owners. Instead, it offers a subtle cue to my dog, guiding him to associate barking with an undesirable sensation.

Diane Patterson
Vibrating collar for small dogs

Ours fell apart 😞 it was working good though!

Amazingly works for our active dog! Thank you!

We were going crazy with the incessant barking of our energetic Labrador. This bark collar has helped us a lot with that. Not only is it sleek and comfortable for our furry friend, but the results were almost instantaneous. The barking stopped and our neighbours finally got some peace of mind. Best of all, it's a much more affordable option compared to other brands. We highly recommend it!

Jackson Smith
So far soooo good.

We have a poodle. Her name is Bella. She had a big problem with barking. This collar has worked wonders! Bella is now calmer and we all enjoy the peacefulness of the house. The rechargeability is also a big plus; no need to worry about running out of batteries. This collar is a real treasure for small dogs like Bella.

Great device

As newlyweds, we have recently moved to a new flat and we wanted to make sure that our Chihuahua was on his best behaviour. This collar has been a real lifesaver. His barking has decreased significantly, which has made our home more peaceful. The soft collar and the fact that it is suitable for small dogs make it a must-have. In addition, the recharge function is very convenient.

Love it!

We were hesitant to use a collar for our French Bulldog Leo, but this collar really exceeded our expectations. Leo's barking has decreased significantly and the recharge function of the collar is fantastic. The fact that it costs less than other brands is a big bonus. We highly recommend this solution!

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