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Can an electronic collar burn my dog's skin?

November 01, 2023

Electronic dog collars are often hailed as modern marvels of pet training technology and can even provide safe freedom for your beloved pup. They have raised concerns among pet owners and enthusiasts. One question that frequently arises is whether these collars, particularly those with electronic components, can potentially harm our furry friends by causing skin burns. In this article, we dive into this important question, shedding light on the safety aspects of electronic dog collars and providing insights into responsible usage to ensure your dog's well-being.

But before we would like to point out the importance of choosing a collar with high-quality probes. Metal probes with a high level of Nickel can create a reaction or allergy that has always been there. Hence, you need to ensure that probes are made of a different type of metal providing better-quality metal probes.

Additionally, let’s clarify the word “burn”. The sores (or as some people call them 'burns') are known as pressure sores, which are also known as pressure necrosis. These can be the result of a few things... Mistakes in collar fitting, the neglect of regularly checking dogs wearing collars (a matter of general hygiene), and, in rare instances, as we have already mentioned, allergies to the metal used in the contact probes that come into contact with the dog's skin. They can all contribute to these issues.

Can e-collar burn or hurt my dog?

In the traditional sense of the term “burn", NO. To strengthen our statement, we want to provide you with the definition for the word “burn”. Burns can be caused by flames, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, hot liquids, electricity, lightning, and certain chemicals. You can check this definition on Wikipedia, where we have taken it from.

Electronic Collars neither generate “heat” nor do they emit electricity. They primarily produce a “Static” correction, not high-amperage electrical shocks.

However, skin sores on a dog's skin can be an unfortunate consequence of using e-collars. It's important to note that this issue isn't exclusive to electronic collars alone; any tightly worn collar can lead to skin problems. To illustrate, try wearing a snug wristwatch for an extended period, and you'll likely experience skin issues due to constant friction. In many cases, infections resulting from chafing are more likely culprits. Sometimes, these problems are exaggerated to criticize the broader use of dog training products.

The issue of “burns” is quite rare now due to increased awareness about proper collar fitting and regular inspections. It is important to check dog’s skin in a while. Infections from open sores caused by rubbing can spread across the neck, which seems to result from neglecting the dog's well-being and collar maintenance.

To prevent pressure necrosis or “burns” on your dog's neck, consider the following:

  • Ensure that the e-collar is properly fitted to your dog.
  • Maintain hygiene by regularly checking the electronic collar and your dog's neck for potential irritations.
  • Allow your dog to have periods of rest by taking off the bark collar for short intervals.

How to properly fit and use to avoid Pressure necrosis and sores on a dog's skin

Put the receiver collar on the neck of your dog: Make sure center the Contact Points under your dog's neck and the tightness is proper that you can fit one finger between the strap and your dog's neck.

Please note that it is extremely to choose the correct Contact Points to suit the length of your dog's hair. If your dog has long hair or a thick coat, use the longer Contact Points. You can use Mini Spanner to screw/unscrew contact points.

To make it more convenient for you, we have created 7 points that help you to ensure that your collar is properly fitted and cannot cause discomfort for your furry friend.

  1. Before you put the collar on, ensure that it is switched off.
  2. While fitting the collar, have your dog stand; avoid fitting it while your dog is sitting, as the neck is thinner in a sitting position.
  3. Strive for a snug fit by inserting your thumb between the collar strap and your dog's neck.
  4. Verify that the probes or contact points make gentle contact with your dog's neck.
  5. Allow your dog a few minutes to get used to the collar; leave it on during this time.
  6. Recheck the collar for a snug and comfortable fit.
  7. Put the collar to the test by turning it on.

Can an e-collar choke my dog?

The worry that an e-collar might strangle a dog stems from misconceptions and misinterpretations of the e-collar's purpose and mechanism. We thoroughly investigate this misconception and offer expert insights and real-life examples to dispel it.

Electronic collars are meticulously engineered to deliver a controllable and non-harmful level of stimulation to a dog's neck. When used correctly, they are not intended to constrict or harm the dog in any way. Just stick to the advice above to ensure the well-being and comfort of your pup.

Do shock collar burns?

This is a frequent concern with which we have faced. However, it is important to mention that this situation cannot happen if you choose an appropriate and high-quality electronic collar. Selecting the appropriate, high-quality e-collar is of paramount importance. The misconception surrounding the possibility of shock collar burns has understandably alarmed dog owners contemplating the use of e-collars for training.

Shock collar burns are infrequent incidents, typically arising from the improper use of an e-collar or the use of substandard products. Many experts say that if electronic collars are used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, they should not cause burns or other harm to the dog.

Do e-collars hurt dogs?

The question of whether e-collars hurt dogs is directly linked to concerns about burns. While e-collars may induce some discomfort in dogs, they should not cause pain or burns when utilized correctly. In fact, e-collars are designed to be a valuable tool for effective training and behavior modification without causing harm. Read reviews and characteristics to ensure that your potential e-collar is a great product with a good value.

Should a dog happen to experience a burn due to a shock collar, it is imperative to seek immediate shock collar burn treatment. Consulting a veterinarian for proper care is essential, and it is advisable to discontinue the use of the e-collar.

We hope that this article was helpful for you. To sum it up, e-collars can be a safe and useful tools if they're used the right way. By clearing up the misunderstandings about shock collar burns, marks, and whether e-collars hurt dogs, we've demonstrated that adhering to the manufacturer's instructions and using trustworthy products can result in a positive experience without causing harm. Keep in mind that keeping an eye on your dog for any signs of e-collar injuries, irritation, or sores is essential for their health and happiness.

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