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How To Get Your Dog To Sleep Through The Night

November 27, 2023

Ensuring a good night's sleep for both you and your furry companion is essential. If your dog keeps asking for your attention during the night, it can disturb your sleep. Getting a good night’s rest is hard when your dog keeps crying late into the night. In this article, we'll explore effective strategies and tips to help your beloved canine companion achieve a restful night's sleep, promoting their health and well-being while fostering a peaceful environment for everyone in the household. From establishing routines to creating a comfortable sleep environment, let's delve into the methods that can aid in getting your dog to sleep through the night.

White Dog Sleeping

How to Get Your Dog to Sleep Through the Night?

Sometimes it can be frustrating that a dog that constantly moves around and creates noises throughout the night. At the end of the article, we will provide you with the solution and we will delve into five helpful tips to assist your dog in sleeping peacefully from dusk until dawn.

By the way, it is important to understand general information about dog’s sleeping habits and why the the dog is awake during the night.

How long do dogs sleep at night?

Similar to many animals, dogs have a polyphasic sleep pattern, meaning they nap several times throughout the day, as evident from their frequent daytime snoozes. According to different studies, adult dogs typically sleep for about 12-18 hours per day. Consequently, if they're catching up on their sleep during the daytime, it's less likely they'll sleep continuously for the same 8 hours as you do overnight. While you can't influence your dog's napping habits while you're away at work, you can take simple steps to encourage them to doze off more easily during bedtime. Just keep reading :)

smiling Labrador

Reasons why your dog doesn't sleep at night

As we have already mentioned, grown-up dogs typically rest for about 12-18 hours in a day's cycle. However, if your dog tends to sleep more during the daytime, they might struggle to sleep at night. When a dog remains restless or awake throughout the night, it's a signal they're trying to communicate. This behavior could indicate they're feeling uneasy, stressed, or not adequately tired to sleep soundly all through the night.

As for young dogs, especially puppies, often have unpredictable sleep patterns and typically don't sleep through the night until they're around four months old. Puppies require more sleep than adult dogs, but they tend to doze off in short intervals and can wake up full of puppy vigor. If a puppy takes a nap in the evening, they might be bursting with energy right when you're ready for bed.

Now, let's explore some reasons why your adult dog or puppy might be having trouble sleeping at night:

They're not tired

If your dog spends most of the day alone while you're at work, they might nap and store up energy. Although napping is better than destructive behavior, it means they have ample energy when you return home, possibly leading them to stay active all night.

They feel lonely

Your dog cherishes your company and desires to be with you as much as possible, especially if you're away during the day. If you find a cold nose nudging you for attention in the middle of the night, it might be your dog expressing the need for more quality time with you.

Your dog might be experiencing discomfort

They could be in pain, possibly due to joint issues like arthritis or digestive problems caused by food intolerance. Signs like pacing, whining, panting, or excessive licking may indicate a medical issue that disrupts their sleep.If you suspect a medical issue, a visit to the vet is recommended to identify and address the problem, enabling your dog to sleep better once the discomfort is relieved.

Inadequate bedding

Similar to humans, dogs appreciate a comfortable sleep surface. Investing in a cozy dog bed, especially if your pet has joint pain, can significantly improve their sleep quality.

Temperature discomfort

Check if the dog's bed is exposed to drafts or too close to heating sources, ensuring your pet is at a comfortable temperature for a good night's sleep.

Bathroom needs

Dogs understand not to potty indoors, but they might wake you at night if they need to relieve themselves outside.

Dog with Shampoo

How to get your dog to sleep through the night

You might think why does my dog sleep all day and stay up all night and how to improve this situation? Here are some tips that help you wth this issue.

Establish a consistent routine:

Consistency helps your dog understand bedtime patterns. Aim to take them for walks at similar times daily, ideally before and after your work hours. Similarly, maintain regular meal times, offering dinner a few hours before bedtime to aid comfortable digestion. While weekend schedules may vary, strive to maintain your routine as closely as possible.

Create a calm atmosphere in the hour before bedtime for both you and your pet. Minimize high-energy activities or excessive treats during this period. Crucially, ensure your dog relieves themselves just before bedtime to minimize the chances of needing a toilet break in the early hours of the morning.

Provide enough exercise for your dog:

Just as active children benefit from being tired out, ensuring your dog gets sufficient exercise during the day promotes a night of uninterrupted rest. Depending on their breed or size, dogs typically require a minimum of 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise daily. Larger breeds often need more activity. Taking your dog for a lengthy walk a few hours before bedtime can contribute to a restful night's sleep for both you and your furry companion.

Avoid sharing your bed with your furry friend

Consistency in bedtime arrangements, much like regular dinner times, helps your dog understand when it's time to sleep. Having a designated bed for your dog aids this recognition. While the idea of having your furry companion join you in bed might be appealing, sharing your bed with your pet can negatively affect your sleep quality.

Studies reveal that 63% of pet owners who share their bed with their four-legged friends experience disrupted sleep. Apart from the obvious disturbances caused by movement and potential barking, bed-sharing with your dog raises the risk of skin infections and exacerbates issues for individuals with asthma or allergies. Moreover, if you're restless throughout the night, your dog is likely to be disturbed from sleep as well.

Take into account your dog's sleeping environment

Apart from ensuring your furry friend isn't napping on your bedding, it's beneficial to provide them with a comfortable sleeping area. A high-quality dog bed, complemented by a cozy blanket, can significantly aid your dog's sleep. Additionally, introducing low background sounds can help your pet relax and doze off—consider using a clock with a gentle ticking sound or playing soft white noise from the radio. Furthermore, strive to minimize loud external noises and excess light in the room where your dog sleeps.

Assess potential medical issues

If your dog continues to experience sleep difficulties, especially if it's an older dog with no history of sleep problems, it's prudent to explore any underlying medical conditions. Schedule a visit to the vet and discuss alterations in their behavior, appetite, mobility, and sleeping habits. Depending on the diagnosis, your vet may recommend medication to assist your dog in getting better sleep.

We hope these tips were helpful for you!


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