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How To Keep Dogs From Digging Under the Fence

December 20, 2023

Even the most devoted dog parents can't escape the frustration when their beloved furball turns into an amateur excavator, creating tunnels beneath the fence. Apart from the chaos it brings to your garden and the jeopardy it poses to the fence's stability, this behavior exposes your dog to potential risks, from injuries to the danger of them venturing off on their own. Therefore, in this article, we will explore effective methods to prevent dog from digging under fence.

Dog Digging Under the Fence

Unearthing the Reasons: Why Dogs Dig Under Fences

Dogs exhibit fascinating and occasionally quirky behavior, and one prevalent yet enigmatic habit is their inclination to dig beneath fences. These intelligent creatures don't engage in activities without a purpose, nor do they intend to cause inconvenience. Every instance of their digging can be addressed by uncovering the reasons that trigger the behavior. Invest time in closely observing their actions, empathize by putting yourself in their paws, and seek an explanation that elucidates why your dog is digging under the fence.

The various reasons why dog digging under fence:

  1. Instinctual Behaviors. Dogs are descendants of wolves, and digging is a deeply ingrained instinct. Even though our domesticated dogs may not have the same survival needs, the instinct to dig remains a part of their genetic makeup.
  2. Boredom and Lack of Stimulation. Dogs are intelligent and active animals that require mental and physical stimulation. When left alone in the yard without sufficient toys or activities, they may resort to digging as a way to alleviate boredom.
  3. Escape and Exploration. Dogs might dig under fences in an attempt to explore the surroundings, chasing scents or simply seeking new stimuli. Recognizing their natural curiosity and desire for exploration is crucial in addressing their need for a broader environment.
  4. Temperature Regulation. Digging can also be a means for dogs to cool down, especially in warmer weather. By creating a shallow hole, they expose cooler soil, providing relief from the heat.
  5. Anxiety and Stress. Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety and stress. Digging may serve as a coping mechanism for dogs feeling anxious or stressed.

By gaining insight into the reasons why dogs dig under fences, we can develop tailored strategies to address each contributing factor.

dog on green grass field

How to Stop a Dog from Digging Under a Fence: 5 Pro Tips

Furry friends with a penchant for digging under fences can be both adorable and perplexing. However, fret not – there are effective solutions to curb this behavior and create a harmonious environment for both you and your canine companion. Let's explore some practical approaches.

Digging Zone Delight

Combat digging with a clever twist—create a designated digging zone in your yard, like a sandbox filled with play sand. Bury some toys and bones, turning digging into an engaging activity. Redirect your pup to this spot using tasty treats for positive reinforcement!

Barrier Brilliance

When constant supervision isn't an option, go for a digging barrier. It's a bit of work, but it pays off! Materials like chicken wire or concrete pavers can be your secret weapons. Dig a trench, install the barrier, and fill it up, creating a physical deterrent against those sneakily persistent digging attempts.

Happy, Healthy Hounds

Digging might be a cry for attention or a sign of boredom. Dive deep into your dog's world and address their needs. Ensure they get ample exercise and mental stimulation through toys and puzzles. For expert advice, consult with a vet or behaviorist to rule out any underlying issues and use positive reinforcement to guide them away from digging.

Use Landscape Design Strategically

Spruce up your garden while deterring digging! Plant shrubs, lay down decorative rocks, or spread mulch/gravel around the fence. These not only add flair but also create physical barriers that make digging less appealing. Raised garden beds and other landscape features are also nifty tools to discourage digging mischief.

Cutting-Edge Innovations

Teach your dog good manners with an electronic training collar. How to prevent dogs from digging under fence? All thanks to the Wireless Dog Fence TZ-F381 by Pawious, the ultimate 2-in-1 Fence & Dog Training Collar.

In training collar mode, this versatile device can manage up to three dogs simultaneously.

You have at your disposal three warning functions, activated by pressing the corresponding button on the transmitter: sound, vibration, and shock. In many instances, especially for effective dog training, the initial level of influence—sound—is often sufficient. When your dog engages in an undesirable behavior, such as digging a hole, a simple press of the remote control button emits a brief sound signal from the collar. This interrupts the dog's action, creating a moment of hesitation, and often prevents the continuation of the unwanted behavior.

Setting up this system is easy; it only takes a few minutes to install the transmitter and set the limits. No digging, no hassle, and no tangled wires — it's as simple as possible. Plus, you can take this system with you on vacation and easily choose the perfect play area for your pup. This collar is your favorite wherever you roll.

Try out one of these methods and see your yard become a perfect retreat for your furry buddy, completely rid of any digging troubles. Remember, the key is recognizing why your dog is digging in the first place – it's the first crucial step in preventing it effectively. Take a responsible approach, tune into your four-legged friend's specific needs, and make their well-being a top priority. By doing so, you won't just tackle the digging problem; you'll also create a caring and harmonious atmosphere for your cherished canine companion.

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